Understanding Brand Check Metrics

Wooshii Brand Check helps you understand the effectiveness of your messaging and the impact of your video spend. You've produced a video and got x views, but how many of those views are effective? The metrics below will reveal the answer to that question and others.

Data on the Ad Summary Screen

This data is visible in the Wooshii Brand Check application:

  • Total Plays: The number of times the asset was viewed
  • APV: The Average Percentage Viewed, i.e. "the average viewer watched this much:
  • Buying Type: The Buying Type from the ad platform
  • Impact Score: The average of Visual Score and Verbal Score
  • Visual Score: The average retention of all Visual Moments
  • Verbal Score: The average retention of all Verbal Moments
  • Effective Exposure: The number of views that were exposed to any Moments
  • Brand Score: The retention of the first Brand Moment (and adjusted by Metric Offsets see below)
  • Core Message Score: The retention of the first Core Message Moment (and adjusted by Metric Offsets see below)

Additional Data in the Assets Export

When running the Assets Export from the Campaigns screen, additional metrics are included:

  • Duration (s): How long the asset is in seconds
  • Brand Score: Retention at the first Brand moment
  • First Brand Measurement Point (s): At what point the first Brand moment was measured (incorporating offsets)
  • First Brand Type: Whether the first Brand moment was a logo, text, etc.
  • First Brand Title: The name of the first Brand moment
  • Core Message Score:
  • First Core Message Measurement Point (s): At what point the first Core Message moment was measured (incorporating offsets)
  • First Core Message Type: Whether the first Core Message moment was a logo, text, etc.
  • First Core Message Title: The name of the first Core Message moment
  • Total Plays: How many plays the asset has received
  • Impressions: How many impressions the asset has received
  • Reach: How many viewers the asset has reached
  • Frequency: How many times, on average, viewers have seen the asset
  • APV: The Average Percentage Viewed
  • Effective Exposure: How many viewers were exposed to a moment of any type
  • Buying Type: For ads, this is the Buying Type configured in the ad platform
  • Objective: For ads, this is the Objective configured in the ad platform
  • Total Moments: How many moments were found in the asset
  • Brand Moments: How many Brand moments were found in the asset
  • Core Message Moments: How many Core Message moments were found in the asset

Additional Data in the Moments Export

When running the Moments Export from either the Campaigns screen or an Asset Summary screen, additional metrics are included:

  • Type: What was being looked for, e.g. logo, caption, etc.
  • Category: Whether it's a Brand or Core Message moment
  • Moment: The name you gave the Moment when searching for it
  • Start Time: The timecode when the Moment started
  • End Time: The timecode when the Moment finished
  • Duration: How long the Moment lasted
  • Metric Start Offset (sec): How long from the start of the Moment scoring was taken
  • Metric End Offset (sec): How long from the start of the Moment scoring was taken
  • Viewers At Start Time: The number of viewers at the start of the moment
  • % Of Viewers At Start Time: The percentage of viewers at the start of the moment
  • Viewers At Mid-Point: The number of viewers at the middle of the moment
  • % Of Viewers At Mid-Point: The percentage of viewers at the middle of the moment
  • Viewers At End Time: The number of viewers at the end of the moment
  • % Of Viewers At End Time: The percentage of viewers at the end of the moment
  • Exposure Duration: The total duration of all exposure, i.e. Moment Duration x Views

Understanding Measurement Points & Offsets

Different Moments are measured at different points. For example, a visual moment (such as a logo) needs to be counted when it is seen, whereas a verbal moment (such as someone saying a core message) needs to be counted when the moment has ended. The distinction is essentially "At what point has the moment been communicated?"

Additionally, if a visual moment is visible at the start of the video, the retention will, by definition, be 100%, which leads to a somewhat misleading score of 100.

To resolve these issues and ensure scores are usable, every Moment has a Start and End Offset, which is used to determine its Measurement Point, i.e. the precise timecode at which measurement is taken. For visual moments, the Start Offset is applied to the start of the moment and for verbal moments the End Offset is applied to the end of the moment.

This ensures that retention measurements are accurate, meaningful, and not misrepresented by their position in the creative.

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