Unsupported asset types

Wooshii Brand Check tries to support as many types of assets as possible.

This page details the types of assets that are not supported.

If there's a platform or type of asset you'd like us to add to Brand Check, please get in touch via the chat bubble below!

Instagram Stories

For technical reasons, we are unfortunately unable to support Instagram Stories. Posts and Reels are fully supported but Stories are not.

Snapchat Stories (single creative)

Snapchat Stories that consist of a single creative are supported but unfortunately, for reasons relating to data accuracy, Stories made of multiple creative are not supported.

Multi-creative assets

Assets with multiple creatives, such as a carousel, are not supported. This is because the retention data cannot be accurately inferred (for example, if users skip part of one asset).

Image assets

Because retention is the primary metric used by Brand Check and images do not have retention data as videos do, we do not currently support them.

Non-primary partnership ads

Some platforms, such as Meta, allow you to publish partnership ads, where the post is attributed to two identities. In these cases, Brand Check can only access performance data if yours is the primary identity configured for the asset.

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