How to import assets and metrics

When you can't provide authorisation for a platform, the only solution might be to import assets and metrics manually.

Our Import Data Sources allow you to do just this.


  1. In Wooshii Insight...
    1. Select the Data Sources module in the main menu
    2. Click Connect Data Source
    3. At the bottom, in the Imported Content section, you'll find the import options such as Google Ads
    4. Select the desired importer
    5. On the next screen, give the data source a Title
    6. Then, click Download Template to get a CSV file with the required headings
  2. Open your preferred spreadsheet application (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.)
    1. Open the CSV file you downloaded in the previous step
    2. Add your data to the sheet under the appropriate headings, one asset per row
    3. Export the template as a new CSV file
  3. Return to Wooshii Insight...
    1. Click New Import
    2. Select the CSV file containing your data
    3. Wait for the import to finish processing


There are some limitations to the Import Data Sources:

  1. Missing Metrics: Some metrics are optional and any that are not provided will be omitted from the app and data exports
  2. Brand Check Breakdowns: Breakdown data may be impractically large to generate and send, so this function will be unavailable
  3. Brand Check Date Filtering: Data will be treated as accurate all-time metrics on a given date (e.g. 22nd Aug) which will restrict the ability to filter performance by date

Instagram Placements

The Instagram importer is slightly more complicated than the others because it supports multiple placements: Reels, Stories and Posts.

Columns in the import template with an asterisk* are always required, whereas columns with a dagger are only required for some placements.

Columns with neither are optional but should be included if possible.

  • Plays, Replays and View Total Time are required for Reels.
  • Navigations is required for Stories.
  • Impressions is required for Stories and Posts.
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